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February 13, 2008 Meeting Minutes
Natural Resources Preservation Committee
A subcommittee of the Conservation Commission/Inland Wetlands Watercourse Agency

Minutes - Regular Meeting        (draft, not approved)                                          February 13, 2008
Held in Planning Office, Town Hall
NOT Melrose Schoolhouse, Route 140                                                      7:00 p.m.

I.      Attendance:   M. Kovalcek, J. O’Donnell, J. Strempfer, J. Warren, L. Whitten Call to Order: 7:11 p.m.
II.     Agenda Additions
Special Meeting date for guest speaker  (to be held March 19)
Election of Officers
IV.     Approval of Minutes:
                        Minutes of January meeting accepted unanimously.
        V.      Continued Business
Agricultural Viability Grant
L. Whitten and J. Warren will meet to stream farming data in an editable MS Excel document or set of documents.
                Farmland rating criteria:  Each member utilized the form to evaluate a property they knew well. Discussion ensued regarding proximity of conserved farmland from other towns to possible East Windsor conserved farmland and the committee determined that the proximity or abutment to farmland in other towns would be the same as other conserved farm land in adjacent towns. No changes were made and the committee voted unanimously to accept the completed Farmland Preservation Criteria.
        VI.     New Business:  
Town government: A. Grant and J. Warren met with First Selectman Denise Menard and reviewed the goals and objects of Natural Resource Preservation Committee. A new Charter Revision Committee is forming and the separation of NRPC from Conservation Commission and Inland Wetlands Agency can be addressed.
Public Education: The cost of a mailing to every home will be calculated and use of grant funding for such a purpose will be reviewed. L. Whitten has contacted CFT and someone from there will address the committee as a special meeting to take place 3/19/08. L. Whitten will seek a location for that meeting.
        VII.    Old Business
Sewer Exclusion work: WPCA will attend the February meeting of Planning and Zoning. L. Whitten reported that other towns are having difficulty with the mandate from the Office or Policy and Management.

Membership renewal: Applications for renewal of committee were approved by Board of Selectmen. It was decided by the committee that now all are renewed it is an appropriate time to elect new officers. J. O’Donnell nominated J. Warren for Chairman. M. Kovalcek seconded and J. Warren accepted the nomination. No discussion. Vote to approve was unanimous

Adjournment Motion to adjourn made by J.O’Donnell, seconded by A. Grant., All in favor no discussion. Meeting adjourned at 9:45. 2.25 hours of meeting were dedicated exclusively to Farmland Preservation Grant.